Welcome To Tony's Scattershot Thoughts On Minutiae

Location: Fresno, California

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Silver And Blechh

Just got in from a full day of yard work. In my temporary occupation as a Man of Leisure, I've found myself helping out around the house more than ever. Just when you think you carry your weight, you take on a few more tasks and wonder how you'd get it all done alone. I don't know how my wife balances the chores in her life along with work and relaxation. I certainly have a new understanding and respect for her efforts.

Football season is back and I always get excited this time of year. Baseball gets interesting instead of being background noise at backyard barbecues and casual dining establishments. Yesterday, I got a lot done early in the day so I could relax for the Raider game. This year, ESPN kicked off their inaugural season of Monday Night Football with a double header and the Raiders played at 7:00. This gave me plenty of time for the gym and some chores, then I helped my brother in law move a home gym from one house to another. All the while, I was looking forward to a few beers and some football.

What a disappointment. The Raiders looked awful and were blown away. At no time did they even look like they had a chance in the game. My brother in law called and we chatted for a while and I turned the sound down real low. I wasn't paying too close attention, but every time I looked up, Raiders quarterback Aaron Brooks was on his back. I watched to the end just to see how bad it would be. By the end, I was almost laughing. Now I can't even begin to think about looking forward to the games like I used to. As a lifelong fan of the Raiders, I now wonder how long blind faith and being a "true fan" will have me caring. Rooting for the Cubs is cute. Rooting for the Raiders is maybe a little sick.

I'll still watch football. The NFL puts on a pretty good show and I can find a compelling game every week. If the Raiders play like this for the next few years, I may have to break down and get Direct TV and sign up for the Season Ticket package so that I can watch teams that actually convince their fans that they try to win.

Oh well, time to turn my attention back to baseball until Sunday morning. At least baseball teams break your heart slowly over the course of 162 games. The Raiders broke my heart in less than 60 minutes and showed me what to expect over the next 15 games. I may actually see what happens in the world on Sundays in the fall and winter instead of couching jockeying. Are the stores open on Sundays?


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